what engineer are you?
More About This Quiz
Engineers do more than just math and science – they build the future through invention, discovery and exploration! With dozens of different engineering specialties, the career potential in this field is nearly limitless. Engineering is probably one of the coolest jobs in the world, but with so many branches in the engineering world it can be little daunting to choose one for yourself !
This 'What engineer are you?' quiz is not a technical or scientific one so because it really doesn't matter, engineers do so many things and move around so much there's no way to predict what path you'll end up on... so relax! The point of this quiz is to combine the fun of a personality quiz with the usefulness of a career test so find out ‘What engineer are you?’
This quiz helps you answer the following questions:
1. What engineering should I major in?
2. What type of engineer should I be?
3. What type of engineering should I do?
4. Which engineering should I choose?
5. What type of engineering is right for me?
6. Which engineering is best for me?
7. Which engineering is for me?
8. What type of engineer should I be?
9. What engineering is for me?
10. Is engineering for me?
and so on......
This is a part of our 'Engineering Quiz' series.
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