The Purpose Of AR In The Manufacturing Industry
AR, also referred to as augmented, is being used to help businesses in the manufacturing industry identify problems, determine what is causing downtime, and help with the maintenance of all of their services and products.
Different Ways That Augmented Reality Is Changing the World!
1. The Ability To Solve Problems
There will always be problems that an individual can fix at their place of business. This individual must have proper training. If they know what to do, these issues can be resolved quite quickly, yet will there be issues that may arise that could be too difficult to solve?
Using Aircada AR, resolving issues will become much easier as your team of professionals, which may include engineers, will be able to resolve and diagnose problems faster than ever before.
The key to making this work is to provide them with literal hands-on training using augmented reality which can assist them in becoming more proficient.
2. Helps Them Work Faster
Engineers may take several years to become proficient at resolving issues that may occur with certain types of machinery. By utilizing AR glasses, along with overlaid images, motion sensors, cameras, videos, and many other strategies, they can view the different problems, learn how to correct them, and do so without having to physically handle the problems directly.
The accuracy of those that go through this particular training can increase exponentially, often leading to a 30% increase in productivity as well.
3. Easily Access Data
Manufacturers and engineers alike can use AR glasses to see information displayed in front of them that is asset specific. The glasses will allow them to scan what are called QR codes for each asset, and once this is done, the information that they need will be presented, allowing them to repair the problem quickly.
4. Reduce Production Downtime
Downtime represents the amount of time that a company is not able to be productive which can lead to a substantial loss in revenue. When you are using AR technology, the prevention of downtime can be possible, preventing it from occurring even before it starts. These glasses and headsets related to AR technology can help them resolve problems, visually identifying what needs to be done before they get there.
5. Avoid Errors
Airbus utilizes this type of technology in the manufacturing industry using what is called a SART brand of this AR tech. For example, when doing a bracket installation which is involved with the fuselage assembly, the virtual image can help them understand what needs to be done, allowing them to fix the problem, or do an installation of the bracket as if they are doing in real-time. By using this technology, flaws can also be detected much more easily.
6. Proper Training
Both VR and AR technology have been used in many different ways to train workers and also help enhance their own innate abilities. These are often found in manufacturing industries where training could be the most effective, helping them to develop the skills that are needed to handle real assets. Workers that are trained using this technology can benefit if they are often working with dangerous materials or even complex machinery. By getting AR training, they can receive and retain the knowledge needed to do their job properly, plus it will also minimize the amount of time that they need to do their training in this highly immersive way of getting virtual hands-on experience.